Jimmy Mengel
I’ve had a long road as an investor, researcher, and writer of all things investing.
I began investing when I was eight years old: I started with a small collection of baseball cards and quickly learned the art of buying low and selling high.
By the time I was 12, through forward-thinking investment in rookie cards for players that turned into superstars and countless trades with my buddies, I had amassed a treasure of cards that were worth thousands of dollars then – and tens of thousands today.
I learned several things about investing through my card collection: buy value, avoid hype, and know your timeline.
My dad, a financial analyst then, even invited me to present my strategies to his office colleagues. It was then that I began turning those lessons into my own stock market portfolio.
The companies I bought back then, like Disney, General Electric, and Coca-Cola, allowed me to build up enough wealth to buy my first car. I discovered the power of dividends, the magic of compound interest, and the sanctity of safety.
The lessons I learned then still stick with me today.
I wanted to continue sharing my story with others, so I began working my way into financial journalism, which I’ve done for over a decade. I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of thousands of readers achieve financial independence.
I've brought my readers closed annual portfolios of 79%, 70%, 76%, and a historic 382% over the last four years alone. Several of the stocks I uncovered ended up becoming life-changing quadruple-digit gains.
In the process, I’ve traveled the globe from Africa to Colombia to Transylvania, meeting with CEOs, CFOs, and CTOs in different market sectors. I’ve also toured with presidential candidates, grilled influential congressmen, and interviewed pop-culture business icons. I’ve been a keynote speaker at some of the largest investment conferences in the U.S.
I go the distance and put my boots on the ground so you’ll have all the tools you need to succeed in any market.
I couldn’t be more excited to bring the same research, enthusiasm, and results to The Profit Sector, where I'll break down the market for you.
Access Jimmy Mengel's full free archive.

Adam English
My background in history led to an interest in financial and market research, which led to positions at several of the leading financial newsletter companies in the U.S.A.
For over a decade, I've worked alongside ex-brokers, options floor traders, financial advisors, and some of the most experienced editors in the field.
Starting at the ground floor in financial publishing – including customer service – and working my way up, I'm acutely aware of the challenges faced by retail investors.
Challenges that have only multiplied since the Great Recession and COVID pandemic have exacerbated market distortion and investor uncertainty.